Airguns for Self-Defense?

Airguns for Self-Defense?

Before I answer this, often asked question, “Can airguns be used for self-defense?”, let me give you my background and expertise that qualifies me to provide you with my opinion. There are many out there that try to answer this question but they never qualify what background and expertise they have to provide such information.

I am retired from a 30-year law enforcement career in which I started as a uniformed officer in the field and responded to every type of call imaginable. I worked numerous assignments and was promoted several times.  I also provided extensive training to officers in the police academy. Over the last half of my career I was assigned to investigations and supervised numerous Detectives and was involved in every type of investigation you can think of.  During my career I was involved in numerous life or death situations and sustained several injuries that resulted in 5 surgeries over the years.  I was also involved in one incident that I had to use lethal force to save my life as well as my partners.  A suspect attempted to shoot my partner and I. Fortunately, my extensive firearms training provided me with an edge and I was able to eliminate the threat and my partner and I survived with no injuries.   

Being in a real-life, life-or-death situation is not what you see in the movies. When faced with an immediate threat to your life, you respond with either a flight or fight mentality and you really don’t know how you are going to react until you are actually in that real-life situation. Talk is cheap, we have all heard the, “If I was there, I would have……” The reality is again, you don’t know how you will act until you are in that situation.  Your body goes through a physiological process when you are faced with a life-threatening situation which includes a heavy adrenaline rush. Your body goes into the survival mode in that blood flows heavily into the senses that you need most.  In my situation, I never really heard the eight shots from my firearm, but I had heightened vision, in which the incident that lasted seconds, seemed like it was in slow motion and I could see every vivid detail. I never remember pulling my firearm from the holster, it was just in my hand and ready to go.  This was the result of many years of training and preparation for an incident you hoped would never come.  But you train as if this could happen at any moment in your career.

So now that we covered some of my background let me provide you with my opinion on the topic of “Airguns for Self-Defense.” First keep in mind, you can only use lethal force to protect your life, or someone else’s, from great bodily harm or death. Yes, some airguns could be considered lethal.  But are they good for self-defense? In a life or death situation you should use anything and everything to protect you and your family. Questions you need to ask yourself if considering an airgun for Self-Defense:

What airgun are you going to use?

What type of (FPE) Foot Pounds of Energy does it produce?

Is it loaded and ready to go?  Is there air in the gun?

Can you load it fast in an extremely stressful situation?

Is it powerful enough to stop an assailant?

Can you reload it? Do you have multiple shots?

Can you actually aim and hit your assailant with your adrenaline on over-drive?

How often do you practice accessing your airgun in a rapid manner? In the dark?

Can you load it in the dark? How fast can you do that?

These are all essential factors you need to think about before even considering the use of an airgun for personally protection.  I personally would never consider it or count on it to save my life! I like more FPE and numerous rounds.  My first choice is a firearm, if you are thoroughly trained, continue to practice and are proficient, there is no substitution.  However, if you don’t have access to such, a quick call to 911 and exit the residence would be the first choice!  But every situation is different and you might not have that luxury to do such.  You might want to consider other options for Self-Defense other than an airgun. Pepper spray, baseball bat, golf club (Iron) etc. These are easy to use, very effective, and provide a quick self-defense response without any extensive training.

Keep in mind, again it is not like in the movies, you would be surprised how many rounds from a firearm a human body can take and can continue forward as a threat, if that individual is motivated. The odds of one pellet or BB stopping a motivated suspect would be extremely rare. Maybe the Umarex .50 cal. Hammer may do the job in the perfect situation.  Would shooting an airgun in self-defense at an assailant be a possible distraction? Yes, then you might want to follow up with a rapid exit or worst-case scenario use the buttstock as an impact weapon.

Let’s sum this up! The vast majority of airguns are designed for small game hunting and plinking.  They do not function as a dependable, reliable, easy access, ready to go weapon that I would trust to save my life or someone else’s. Simply stated, I would not choose an airgun for self-defense! Would I use it as a last resort? Absolutely, among anything else I could grasp or use as a defense weapon. Self-Defense is very important and should be considered by all.  Regardless of what method or methods you chose to protect yourself and your family, the most essential part is training to be proficient for the time we truly hope never comes.

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Comments (4)

  • Henry Albert Eberhardt Reply

    I always keep a loaded Shotgun at the ready because we Iive in a bad neighborhood now I’ve shot guns all my life about 35 years same with my wife but I also have a 22cal Beeman Piston Air Rifle with a Dieseled round at the ready which brings the FPS too around 1200 FPS using Red Steel pentrators around 20grains this gun once Dieseled can shoot through a Steel Lock Box and still go a quarter of a inch into oak wood so in my opinion at 20 or 30 Feet a Criminal isn’t surviving a Chest shot from this Dieseled gun if I had to use it instead of the Shotgun!

    July 17, 2020 at 6:30 am
  • mb94952 Reply

    This is a GREAT article. I’m SO tired of seeing / reading the BLM news and people saying the cop should’ve done this or that. The people who say that have NO IDEA what they’re talking about, and neither do I, so I say you won’t know until you’re in that situation.

    You bring up so many good, valid points. After taking gun safety classes here in California, I know that “only if your life is in immediate danger and the assailant is in your house.” Your porch doesn’t count. Can I load it quickly and break the barrel in the dark with an assailant in my house ? 99% answer is no. I’d like to think I could, but I don’t know.

    Also, we are always told to keep firearms locked up and ammo in a different spot. Seems like it’s a paper weight then. What good does it do to have my 9mm locked up and my ammo somewhere else ? I don’t know the answer.

    I bought airguns because I didn’t own a real firearm at the time, but now I just love the heck out of them and plink on a daily basis. I’d like to think that if I had to pull the trigger in a situation not to kill but to deter and stop an assailant my aim would be really good with my airgun, but I won’t know and DON’T WANT TO KNOW !!! Either way, I like to keep my skills sharp and it’s just a lot of fun to plink.

    You make some good points for me to think about, my friend.

    October 6, 2020 at 10:09 am
  • Kevin Reply

    My few cents: the laws in every country is different. In some places (I live in Dubai, UAE) you simply do not have access to firearms (unless you are a citizen) but you do have access to a semi-auto, relatively compact, 120 Jules energy, air guns, and you have 17 shots in the magasine (like e.g. Huben K1 in .25). Yes, 120 Jules is on the very low end spectrum of the firearm pistols, but with several of them in semi-auto… it will do the job probably. So we keep one in our bedroom.

    Irrespectively of what kind of weapon we are talking about, I cannot agree more that large amount of training is absolutely necessary. Personally, I do have extensive experience in firearm handling – went through many IPSC competitions and currently I compete actively in Olympic airgun pistol and, when circumstances allow, in Sport Pistol discipline. I own few firearms in my home country and, with all this knowledge, I believe that a selected few of modern airguns can be used successfully for “practical application”.

    January 8, 2021 at 4:18 am
  • Steven Adams Reply

    I’m an ex military Floridian living in Taiwan. Guns are illegal here but airguns are not. I miss the security of a firearm for self defense but in this case the airgun is a decent option. Inexpensive and fun to train. Not to mention dispatching the poisonous snakes as necessary. At a minimum it’s good to keep the muscle memory active for the real thing being in hand again. I’ll get my golf clubs out for backup.
    Great article John and thank you for your service.

    June 10, 2021 at 9:37 pm

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