Author - JC

Crosman DPMS/BUSHMASTER/R1 “NEW” 300 Round Full Auto QR Mag “Exclusive Review”

As featured in this year's 2020 Shot Show, the "New" 300 round "Full Auto" Quick Reload Magazine "QRM" specifically designed for the Crosman DPMS, Bushmaster and the R-1. Airgun Detectives provides a full review and demonstration. DISCLAIMER: This website is meant for educational & documentary purposes in regards to all aspects...


Airguns for Self-Defense?

Before I answer this, often asked question, “Can airguns be used for self-defense?”, let me give you my background and expertise that qualifies me to provide you with my opinion. There are many out there that try to answer this question but they never qualify what background and expertise they...


What is Foot Pounds of Energy (FPE)?

What is Muzzle Energy? Muzzle energy is the kinetic energy of a pellet or bb as it is ejected from the barrel of a handgun or rifle. This energy is measured and specified by Foot-Pounds of Energy or “FPE” (in Europe and Internationally they refer to energy as “Joules”), muzzle energy...


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